The simplest headless CMS you'll ever need
Stubby CMS gives you everything you need to manage and integrate content effortlessly. Whether you're building a blog, docs, or a full-scale site, Stubby's API-first approach, automatic content revalidation, and powerful editor make content management simple and efficient.
Simple headless API
Simplify your app data fetching with our straightforward headless API. Ditch the complexities of GraphQL and embrace our user-friendly solution. Below are some examples of how you can use our API to fetch data.
const siteId = "<YOUR_SITE_ID>";
const slugOrId = "hello-world";
const url = new URL(`${siteId}/pages/${slugOrId}`);
url.searchParams.append("apiKey", STUBBY_CMS_API_KEY);
const res = await fetch(url.href);
const data = await res.json(); // data contains the page content, metadata, toc etc.
API-Driven Content Management
Integrate blogs, documentation, or any content with your Next.js app through Stubby's easy-to-use API. No need to embed a full CMS into your app—just pull the content you need, when you need it.
Automated Revalidation with Webhooks
Keep your content up-to-date automatically. Stubby CMS's webhooks allow real-time content revalidation, so you can focus on what matters, knowing your content is always fresh.
Powerful Editing Experience
Auto-suggestions, real-time feedback, and intuitive tools make content creation a breeze for developers and content creators alike.
Custom Components & Powerful Editing Experience
Enjoy a fully customizable content system with support for custom components and advanced formatting options.